- Class Sports Captains - The class voted on this and voted in the following people... Captain Mitchel Kupenga and Deputy Jaziel Ulberg. You will both do an awesome job. Congratulations boys!
- Class Reps - This was an outright win for Piero Barrionuevo-Grosman he will also have a wonderful Deputy Phoenix Dellow. Well done boys!!
Isnt it magnificent to see our boys taking leadership roles!!
- Applications have been coming in everyday for different positions around the kura e.g. office duty monitor, librarian etc. The roster will hopefully be up online by Monday!! Thank you to all those children that have been saving me every morning by reading out the mihi or doing the dishes you are all so wonderful :) ngaw Whaea Jo is a softy :P
- Maths Mate books have arrived. Please make your payment asap to the school office of $30 (includes the spelling workbook).
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